Do you still have to struggle with your dog to clip its nails? Or maybe your attempt to trim ends in a bloody paw and a heavy heart for the pain you caused with your do-it-yourself approach? Check out these four reasons why you should switch to filing your dog's nails if you're ready to stop the nail-clipping craziness.
The dog is comfortable and relaxed during filing: Filing is gentler, less anxiety-producing for dogs. Many dogs do not like this sensation. So when you go to your pet's filing sensation you have to stabilize the dog’s body as well as the paw being worked on. Some dogs feel frustrated and stressed during filing.
Filing reduces the chances of hitting a nerve: The quick provides nourishment to the nail which allows it to grow and aids sensation. Most of the pet owners accidentally clip the quick that causing bleeding and varying levels of pain depending on how deep and far up the quicker the cut is made.
If your dog has black or dark nails, rather than translucent, so you won’t be able to see the quick. Failing is a process that provides more control and less chance of damaging the quick. Regular nail trimming also helps to avoid a painful condition in which the nerve and blood supply expands into the enlarged nails.
Smooth, rounded nails mean less damage around your home: When you professionally trim your dog's nail, it can leave the end of the nail jagged. Nail failing allows the nail to be rounded and smooth on the end. And smooth nails are less likely to cause damage to hardwood floors, carpeting, or furniture than the blunt or jagged ends of clipped nails.
Few Scratches on the dog and the humans: Along with fewer scratches around the house, you can expect fewer scratches on the humans who reside in the house too. Additionally, when your dog scratches themselves, the smooth, filed nail is less likely to irritate their skin. This is especially helpful for dogs with allergies or dry skin, who scratch themselves more frequently.